blog post – Highview Press Golf Greeting Cards for all Occasions Sun, 29 Jan 2023 19:49:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 210875765 PROPER ALIGNMENT IN GOLF Sun, 29 Jan 2023 18:11:11 +0000 PROPER ALIGNMENT IN GOLF Read More »

A consistent golf swing and a consistent golf game can only be built on proper alignment.

. To check your alignment, pick a target in the distance and set up to the ball as normal. Place a club along the line of your toes, step back and see where the club points.

. If the club points directly at the target, or to the right of the target, your stance is what we called CLOSED.

. If the club points way left of the target, your stance is what call OPEN.

. The club should point PARALLEL LEFT of the target (imagine the line along your feet and the line from the ball to the target are like 2 train tracks.) This is a SQUARE stance.

. Remember, your knees, hips and shoulders should be in line or parallel to your feet.

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CORRECT GOLF POSTURE Mon, 23 Jan 2023 19:18:22 +0000 CORRECT GOLF POSTURE Read More »

The golf swing is about balance. Good posture is essential for creating that balance.

What is the correct posture for golf?

. Stand up straight, shoulders back

. Your arms should be relaxed and straight

. Hold the club at your waist

. Bend slightly from your hips, back straight, until the club touches the grass

. Flex your knees with a slight bend, putting weight on the balls of your feet

. Your stance should be shoulder width for irons, and wider for woods

Proper Golf Posture
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How To Get A Proper Grip On Your Golf Club and your golf game Mon, 16 Jan 2023 21:26:04 +0000 How To Get A Proper Grip On Your Golf Club and your golf game Read More »

Ben Hogan once said, “Good golf begins with a good grip”, and yet the golf grip is one of the most important but overlooked fundamental parts of the golf swing. The golf grip is the only physical connection between you and the golf club, so the grip can ultimately influence the outcome of your swing. The procedures outlined below are specifically geared for right-handed golfers, so for golfers who are left-handed, simply reverse the procedures. These basic grip procedures are appropriate for beginner as well as seasoned golfers who need a regular grip tune-up.

First, in a standing position let your arms hang naturally by your sides. Starting with the left hand, and continuing with that same hand position with your arm by your side, take the handle of the golf club. The butt end of the club should rest just below the heel pad of your hand, extending the club diagonally across the fingers. Most people make the mistake of holding the club in the palm of the hand. In fact, the club should sit across the fingers of the left hand. Imagine as you are holding the club with your left hand, that you are facing a clock, with the shaft of the club at 12 o’clock. Place the thumb of the left hand on the grip of the club at one o’clock. You now have the correct left hand grip of your club. Now, position your right hand with the pad of your right thumb resting over the left thumb. Using the clock analogy again, place your right thumb at 11 o’clock. The club should rest diagonally across the fingers of the right hand as well, not in the palm. Your right pinky finger can overlap or interlock with the left index finger, depending on the style of grip you prefer.

The three styles of grips are the Vardon or overlap grip, which is the most popular grip, the interlocking grip, and the 10 finger or baseball grip. For the overlap grip, the pinky finger of the right hand rests in the space between the index finger and the middle finger of the left hand. For the interlocking grip, the pinky finger of the right hand hooks under the index finger of the left hand, resting between the index and middle fingers. For the 10 finger or baseball grip, simply place the left hand at the top of the grip, with the right hand below it. This is a grip used mostly by beginner and junior golfers.

The grip pressure is also an important factor. On a scale of one to ten, with ten being the strongest, use a grip pressure of about a three. The club should be gripped in your hands with a gentle pressure, allowing you to hinge the wrists on your backswing.

Use these correct grip procedures, and rescue your game.

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