Birthday cards–male

I always score 82 every time I play golf. REALLY!! How do you do that?

Inside Message: I just stop playing when I reach 82. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Inside Message: Where you can dress like the last guy to climb out of the clown car at the circus. Happy birthday to one of the clowns!
Wow! Great shot Stan!

Inside Message: While nobody’s looking, have a really happy birthday.

Golfing with your BEST buddies. I hope he hits it out of bounds. I hope it lands in the trap. I hope he slices.

Inside Message: …and I hope you have a happy birthday. (Yeah, right!)

Now this is what I call a level playing field!

Inside Message: Jealous? Don’t be. Life isn’t fair either, but do your level best to have a happy birthday.

This ball is going straight down the fairway. I don't think so. I see water in my future.
Inside Message: I hear your birthday is going to be a big…SPLASH. Many happy returns!
GOLF is the perfect combination of relaxation and recreation.
Inside Message: Until the relaxation outscores the recreation. Enjoy your Birthday!!
For Heaven's sake, Ralph you really have to start thinking positive!
Inside Message: Keep your head down and have a happy birthday!
I had a…um 4 on that.
Inside Message: You’ve finally reached the point when both your age and your golf score are accepted as works of fiction. Happy Birthday!
WOW, Chuck! How did you get your ball to fade around the tree like that?

Inside Message: Easy. I just aimed for it. Enjoy a nice “slice” of birthday cake!

Fred said he shot his AGE today. Yea, he also says he's 89.

Inside Message: It’s your birthday today. You’re entitled to one good lie, but make it a good one!

Inside Message: You’re either in a trap, in the rough or up to your butt in alligators. Better luck on the back nine.
Do you think I can reach the green from here? No. Just go ahead and hit.
Inside Message: Older but Wiser! You’ve made it this far … Have another Happy Birthday!!
Every golf shot makes somebody happy.
Inside Message: …that’s why the friends at your party are celebrating! Happy Birthday


Another Birthday? Bummer!
Inside Message: Not to worry–soon you’ll be golfing your age! Best wishes for a Happy Birthday!!
Had a rough game lately?
Inside Message: Cheer up. you’ll soon be old enough to play from the senior tees. Happy Birthday!!
Eat, Sleep, Play
Golf is a little like sex
Inside Message: One bad performance and you begin to wonder. Happy Birthday.
What the heck are you doing Bob? There's NO WAY I'm losing another golf ball!

Inside Message: Good news…Golf shops now sell hip waders! Many happy returns.

Keep an eye on where my ball lands, will ya Marv? Sure. Well Marv, did you see where my ball went? Yes I did. Well then, where did it go?

Inside Message: I forget. Happy Birthday anyway.

Some are born great. Some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon 'em.

Inside Message: But some really lucky ones are just naturally great golfers! Happy Birthday

Nice follow through Herb.

Inside Message: Golf teeing you off? Relax and have a Great Birthday.
